Is it time you made a serenity list?
Hello beautiful,
Quick question for you: where are your shoulders right now?
Take a moment to really sense where they’re sitting. Have they already started to climb towards your ears?
It’s absolutely normal for your body to start tensing at this time of year. Whether it’s your stiff shoulders, a clenched jaw, or that low-key headache that started sometime around Halloween — we may be squarely in the calm before the storm of December but your body, mind, and soul are already prepping for what’s ahead.
So this month I want to offer you a few quick tips that’ll help you actually decompress a little now and head into the crazy holiday period with a greater feeling of control.
1. Make these 3 lists.
Lists aren’t just for Santa Claus at this time of year! Taking a little time out right now to create a few helpful lists will keep you organised over the coming weeks and will save you from having to rush around at the last minute to buy a bottle of gin for the school Christmas fayre or find that perfect present for Aunt Linda.
Create a list of gifts you need to buy, a list of upcoming events and activities you need to prep for, and a ‘serenity list’; a list of beautifully relaxing things you’d love to do over the next few weeks, whether it’s booking in for a massage or sitting in a café with a fully-loaded hot chocolate.
Then make a deal with yourself: every time you cross something off the first two lists, you get to cross something off the serenity list too.
2. Remember: it’s okay to say no.
A gentle reminder that it’s okay to phone it in occasionally.
You can have an absolutely wonderful time over the holidays without making decorations from scratch, baking your own mince pies, or attending every single party you’re invited to.
So have a think about the stuff that really matters to you (whether that’s taking the time to make a homemade Christmas cake or spending that same amount of time playing in the snow with your kids) and say no to the things that matter a bit less.
3. Take a moment to reflect.
Taking time for yourself is always important — but it’s especially vital at this time of year when there are so many external demands on your time and energy.
Jennie x