Hello beautiful, I have to confess: New Year has never really done it for me. With everyone rushing to make huge life changes, set unconquerable goals, and jump on the “New Year, New Me” bandwagon, it all just feels kind of…arbitrary. For me, when it comes to reflection and the potential for change, birthdays are where it’s at… Because a birthday heralds another year around the sun. Another year of experiences teaching us who we are and what we want. Another year of lessons learned and wisdom gained. Another year of getting ever closer to uncovering what we truly want from our lives. And I suppose I’ve hit the jackpot of birthdays, because mine is in June (happy birthday to me, yay!) — and there’s something inherently enchanting about this time of year. With the coming of the summer solstice, the dreaminess of hazy days in the sunshine (fingers crossed), and fiery sunsets that last late into the night, it feels like a time of magic and wonder. A time of the year where we’re primed for dreaming, for setting intentions, and for gaining clarity on our deepest desires. So, yes, as another birthday rolls around, I will definitely be celebrating MY version of the New Year by seeking clarity, tapping into my desires, setting new intentions, and basking in the gratitude of everything the past year has taught me — the good and the bad. And, birthday month or not, I invite you to do the same. Celebrate everything you’ve accomplished this year so far, take the first steps towards the new paths that’ll take you into the next phase of the year, and dare to dream. Above all, remember that your desires are there to be embraced — and this is the perfect month to embrace them with everything you have! Jennie x P.S. If you find it hard to identify, accept, or act upon your desires, I get it. It’s something many of us — particularly women — struggle with. That’s why I’ve dedicated an entire module of the Mimosa Sanctuary to help you reframe and reclaim desire. Find everything you need to know right here. |