Waxing is the marmite of most people’s grooming routine – some of us love it, and some of us hate it, but nevertheless, it is a necessity that brings people to Mimosa Beauty in their (slightly fluffy) hordes. It is still surprising to hear some people actually believe all of those waxing myths – that waxing must be excruciatingly painful, tear-jerkingly embarrassing and extortionately priced. As a therapist, it is my duty to lay down the law when it comes to hair removal, to give you the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to going under the wax.
Firstly, why choose waxing in the first place? The obvious benefit is the fact that a wax can last anything between three to six weeks, depending on how fast your hair grows. Plus, your hair will become thinner with repeat waxes, leading to longer stretches of fuzz-free parts when you are a waxing patron. Intimate waxing in particular has extensive benefits: you feel a lot cleaner, fresher and tidier when your lady (or manly!) parts are carefully waxed. So many of our clients return again and again, because waxing makes you look and feel smooth, sexy and ready to take on the world. (Even if nobody is going to see you’re fuzz-free, there’s nothing better than feeling like you are beneath your clothes!)
After years of waxing, I have become a lot more interested (okay, slightly obsessed) with advocating the use of hot wax during waxes, especially when it comes to intimate waxing. Some salons use strips with wax, and others might use a combination of strip and hot when dealing with delicate parts. But at Mimosa Beauty we believe in the use of quality products, and pride ourselves in our technique when it comes to delivering the perfect wax – and this means using hot wax at all times when it comes to intimate areas. We also abide by the ‘no double dipping’ rule, which means we do not dip a spatula in the wax more than once. Shockingly, many salons ignore this rule and continue to double dip their spatulas, putting their clients at risk of infection (see my video on ‘double dipping.’)
When it comes to the treatment, everything runs very smoothly: hot wax is applied directly to the skin after it has been gently prepared with a pre wax oil. Then the wax then dries to the hair, not the skin, making the experience as nifty and pain free as possible. The wax takes only a few seconds to dry, and is then lifted off with ease and minimal irritancy to the waxee.
As a perfectionist, it is also important to me that all hairs are removed and that the skin is left as beautifully nourished as it can be, so once all is completed, a cooling balm is applied to leave clients with that ‘just waxed and feeling like a princess’ feeling. Recently, I completed a full Hollywood wax on a client whilst she texted her friend, and she exclaimed as I applied the finishing balm, “Wow, are you finished?” Now she was not a lady in pain, quaking in her boots at the prospect of the next dollop of wax. In fact, within twenty minutes of arriving, she left fuzz-free and ready to go out for drinks.
It would be worth noting here about how I view waxing, in contrast to the way that you (and my clients) might think. I spend 70% of my day waxing. That is approximately up to 10 clients a day who I see slightly naked, legs akimbo and hair ready to be eliminated in preparation for that holiday/underwear/trip to the sofa. One of the myths out there is about how embarrassing it might be to be naked in front of a therapist. I have to tell you – and I know that it’s not just me – I just don’t care about how many hairy legs, bottoms, ‘private parts’ or armpits I look at. I literally have no interest in the colour, length, appearance of the skin or the precarious tattoo/piercing you have ‘down there.’ All I see is hair. That I want to get rid of. As quickly and as pain-free as possible.
With the Summer coming up, hair removal becomes higher and higher on our to-do lists. It worries me to think that some people are avoiding the benefits of waxing because they are worried about the pain, or the embarrassment of waxing. If you are a wax virgin or a wax princess, don’t ever forget the benefits of waxing and remember we all deserve to look and feel our best. Everybody deserves a bit of me time.