Hello beautiful,
Have you noticed…?
You are being absolutely bombarded right now with prompts to do more, to work harder, to push yourself towards ever bigger and brighter goals.
Whether it’s the ads for the half price gym membership (“because bikini season isn’t far away!” Eye roll.), the relentless post-holiday work meetings where you’re all encouraged to launch yourself at your 2022 goals, or the New Year resolution chat with your friends.
And hey, if you’re champing at the bit to make big changes, to run a marathon, to overhaul your diet, to start or grow a business…more power to you.
But if you’re not? If you’re feeling the profound urge to mirror nature this season, to take some time to rest, to simplify, to focus on being present, to cultivate peace of mind, please remember that that’s good too.
In fact, I’d highly recommend it!
Because we’re all chronically under-rested, particularly right now, with the Christmas craziness just behind us, and after almost two years of ongoing worry about the pandemic.
So, this month, why not pledge to slow things down, to give yourself the time and space to recover a little, to take stock of the events and the lessons of the past year, and to set loving and gentle intentions for the year to come?
Why not pledge to make this the year you finally focus on giving yourself the rest you need and deserve?
If you need a gentle nudge to help you make that happen, Mimosa is here for you.
Of course, I’m always happy to see your gorgeous face when you join us in the Mimosa Salon, and I love nothing more than helping the stress of a long day dissipate as you relax into a soothing facial.
And, if you want to fully imbed the principles of self-care into the small but significant moments of your life, the online Mimosa Sanctuary will help you find calm in a chaotic world.
Every month in the Sanctuary we focus on one of the foundational elements of beautiful, restorative self-care and you will particularly love the topic for month 3: rest. Unlock the door to module 3 and find out about the 7 different types of rest you need (yes, rest really does come in 7 different varieties!), learn how to create a relaxing sleep hygiene ritual, and discover the healing power of yin energy.
If you’re ready to claim calm, peace, and serenity as your watchwords of 2022, let’s make that happen.
Find your calm at the Mimosa Salon.
Find your calm with the online Mimosa Sanctuary.
Whether online or in-person, I can’t wait to spend more time with you this year.
Jennie x