Every year, it’s the same old story: “This is the year that I’m finally going to…(fill in the blank).”
Whether you’re the type that tends to think big or small, chances are that you think about setting some sort of New Years resolution. And of course it makes sense; we’re all inundated with messages that promise that a new year is the perfect time to get started on a brand new you.
But here’s the problem: the whole “new year, new you” thing is based on the idea that there’s something wrong with the old you, something that needs to be improved to changed before you can become your amazing, wonderful self.
I can tell you with absolute confidence that there is nothing wrong with the “old you”.
No matter what you think it is – maybe you want to lose a little weight, or maybe you feel like if you could just find the perfect scheduler, your life would fall into order, or maybe you’re one of those who stresses over how stressed you are – if you go about approaching the change you want to make as a problem, you’re going to make it much harder for yourself, not to mention make yourself feel bad unnecessarily.
Forget “new year, new you.” Let’s go for “new year, nourish you!”
Because beautiful, let me tell you, I see it every single day. People come into the salon feeling stressed out, feeling guilty for taking even a moment to themselves, and it’s got to stop. Everyone deserves to feel good, and everyone deserves to be cared for, right now. Not when they lose 5 pounds. Not when they finally feel “perfect”. Right now, today, and every day going forward.
So this year, instead of making a New Year’s resolution to “improve” yourself in some way, why not…
— Take just a minute, right now, to appreciate how far you’ve come. You made it through a whole year. That’s a long time, and a lot of things have happened. You lived it all, and came out the other side. That’s amazing!
— Think of things that nourish you, and see how you can incorporate more of them into your life. Now, this bit’s important: make sure they nourish you, specifically. The things that make you feel fulfilled and happy aren’t necessarily going to be the same things you see in magazines or blog posts about self-care, so really listen to your body and your intuition.
This might mean that you do something like get a BPA-free plastic water bottle so you can stay hydrated and feel good throughout the day. It might mean that you get outside for a walk every day. And it might mean that you go with the classic bubble bath and bubbly combo, or coming in to get a massage. Whatever it is, try to do at least one thing that makes you feel nourished a week.
— Consider starting a self-care ritual to remind yourself every day of how deserving you are of care. We’ve got 5 great ones for you right here.
It’s amazing what a small shift in perspective can do — and the tiniest changes really can make a big difference. So try something this week to care for yourself, and remember, we’re always here to help.
See you soon!
Jennie and the Mimosa Team