While we all love summer with its light nights, holidays, trips to the park and the feel of the warm sun on our faces, we can’t deny that there’s something deliciously restorative about the approach of autumn. It’s one of our favourite seasons: crunching through the fallen leaves in big boots, the promise of cosy nights by the fire and swapping our salads for Hygge-friendly stews. I can practically smell the cinnamon already!
It’s also one of our favourite times of the year for new beginnings. As kids it was the season of new notebooks and pens, shiny new shoes and a new school bag and even now it feels like the right time to dive back into work with a renewed focus and excitement for the progress ahead. It’s a time for new goals and new projects.
Green Chemistry: a new look for Medik8.
We’re clearly not the only ones who feel this way. Our friends over at Medik8 have chosen the perfect time of year for an exciting new rebrand and, just like Mimosa, they’ve discovered that the science of beauty, and great anti-aging results, don’t have to come at the expense of the planet.
In the process of their rebrand they have managed to replace hundreds of thousands of plastic parts with recycled or FSC approved paper, they use up to 40% recycled glass for their serum bottles and pipettes and even their buildings are run from 100% renewable energy sources. We’re so excited that they’re getting on board with sustainable beauty and we’re incredibly proud to stock their gorgeous, planet-friendly products.
What about Mimosa?
We’re continuing to throw everything we have into our eco-friendly ventures. We decided a long time ago that we can’t care about beauty in one area without caring about beauty in all areas — after all, our personal beauty and well-being is nothing without the beauty of the planet surrounding us. We figure that if we deserve a period of restoration and a new beginning, then so does our planet!
Beautiful planet, beautiful you.
We know that Summer, with all its excitement, can take its toll, so just how can you make the most of this season of restoration, while still caring for the planet?
Reuse and recycle.
Remember that when you buy your beauty products from us, we’ll happily collect your empty bottles so that they can be reused and recycled — just pop them into the salon when you’re finished with them. To sweeten the deal we’ll even give you discount on your next purchase so you can treat your skin to some post-holiday soothing skincare.
Sustainable beauty.
The holiday season is fabulous but nothing will age your skin like summer sunshine and too many cocktails by the pool. If you feel your skin could benefit from a little restoration, why not try one of Medik8’s newly eco-friendly products? They believe that beautiful skin shouldn’t cost the earth — check out their vitamin c-enriched antioxidant serums and creams to help repair your skin and leave it looking hydrated and supple.
Restore and rejuvenate.
If like us and the folks at Medik8 you’re heading into autumn full of great ideas, goals and dreams for the coming weeks, you’ll want to make sure you have the energy to see them through. What could be better than a Mimosa massage? For this time of year you can’t beat a ‘relax and reset’ back massage or a ‘total renewal’ full body massage. You’ll bounce out of the salon, ready to take on the world. And the world will benefit too as you know that everything we do in the salon is driven by our goal of being 100% eco-friendly.
Give us a call now to book in for your end of summer relaxation and restoration package — you deserve it and so does the planet.
Jennie x