Hello beautiful, Ever noticed your breath quicken when your phone pings with a news alert? Or feel a little trepidation when you see how many emails hit your inbox overnight? If your instant reaction to things like that is, ‘Oh no, what’s next?’, you’re not alone. The world around us is becoming ever more chaotic — and our lives are following suit. So we probably all need to learn how to become a little more resilient to the different stressors we’re facing. But Googling ‘how to become more resilient’ will do nothing for your stress levels. (Believe me, I’ve tried!) Mostly because you’ll find nothing but scary-sounding courses (“Build a resilience framework” – yikes!). Or articles full of strategies that are either too vague to help you out (“Be more optimistic!”, “Embrace change!” Er, how?) or tips that will take ages to implement (“Develop a strong social network!”) So instead, I’ve come up with a way to build resilience that feels more flexible. More gentle. More loving. And infinitely more doable. It’s all about rituals. Certain rituals — tiny moments in the day just for you — may seem basic. But they’re incredibly powerful. They can change the way you look at the world and the way you interact with the people around you. They can soothe your nervous system and give you energy when you need it most. They can remind you of the joy and beauty that are abundant in your life. Crucially, they can change the way you look at yourself and your ability to cope with whatever the day throws at you. And best of all, they’re extremely easy to fit into your life, no matter how busy you are, how stressed, or how many people you have relying on you. I’m talking things like: · Exploring gratitude by taking a second at the start of the day to look around your home and actively notice 5 things that bring you joy, whether it’s your favourite coffee mug, your kid’s artwork, or just your pup snoozing happily on the sofa. · Grounding yourself during moments of daily stress or overwhelm by focusing on taking deeper, slower breaths. · Creating a soothing bedtime routine that taps into the senses — like sprinkling a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow and inhaling deeply, or taking a little extra time when smoothing on body lotion and appreciating the sensation on your skin. Want to dig deeper into my resilience-boosting rituals? I’ve got you! I’ve created an easy-to-follow and easy-to-implement 6-episode course in which I share my most impactful rituals. Just pop in your headphones and find out how to turn the chaos to calm. You can sign up for £5.50 here. Jennie x |