In this Episode of BLAH BLAH LAND I was so excited to sit down and chat to someone who I have wanted to chat to for a while now. Jennie Lawson is the owner of “Mimosa Beauty” in Chelmsford, Essex and she has built her beauty salon from the ground up to be regarded as one of the most innovative brands in the beauty industry. Jennie, and her colleagues, have worked tirelessly to run a ECO – INNOVATION focused salon, where sustainability and the environment are huge factors and driving forces behind the success. A few ways they do this are….
– Buying British to cut down on their carbon footprint
– Being 100% landfill free
– Eco-friendly washing and also an Eco-Friendly building.
You can, and should, check out their website Mimosa Beauty
“The truth is, we believe that every single person is beautiful, and it’s our deepest joy to help people see themselves like we see them: gorgeous, inside and out.” – A Quote taken from their website.
I sat down and spoke to Jennie and I must admit, she did not disappoint. Her open, raw and honest nature to her life and business is refreshing in this day and age. There is a sense of authenticity with her and I sat back and listened to every single word she dropped. She spent the majority of the chat feeling like I was learning and being educated on a world I feel guilty for not paying too much attention to. This podcast was very much an eye-opener for me.
A Few Links to check out
Also, as we discuss in the podcast, Jennie has created an online sanctuary to help inspire and motivate people to enhance and embrace their own beauty and learn more self-care. Check out the website and join! There is so much to take from this chat. An Online sanctuary is a perfect haven for those looking for some guidance.

Her Instagram: www.instagram.com/Mimosabeautysalon
The subjects we touch upon, highlight where I envision the podcast to go moving forward. It is a relaxed discussion with opinions that might not always be shared between listeners but valid none the less. I want to maintain open and honest conversations where everyone involved feels a part of it and included.

Take a listen to the episode and subscribe, rate, review, comment below and share…..if you want to #Freedomtodowhatyouwant
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What does Female Empowerment mean to YOU?
How and what do you do to ensure you maintain a level of happiness?
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